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Colonialism, State and Wars: A genealogical study of the concept of migration in Abdelmalek Sayad's work (1933-1998)

      This project explores, through the genealogical method, to what extent the debates on colonialism, independence movements and the formation from North African states, after the Second World War, contributed to the understanding of the contemporary migratory phenomenon, proposed by the Franco-Algerian sociologist Abdelmalek Sayad (1933-1998). The proposal is based on a dense documentary survey to be carried out in the collection of field notes and notebooks, correspondence with Algerian and French intellectuals, drafts and field material not published by the author and which are currently in the National Archives of Paris, France. We also have an extensive chronological literary review, already in progress, of his articles, militant pamphlets and books published in Algeria and France. Our objective, through this research, still unpublished, is to understand, through these primary sources, how this sociologist, throughout his academic career, in Algeria and France, developed, in such an original way, concepts and reflections considered fundamental, even today, for migration studies. The proposal deviates from the conventional reading that links the debate developed by this author, essentially, to the theme of the work. We understand that reconstructing Sayad's intellectual trajectory, during and after the French colonial regime, is essential to assimilate the migratory phenomenon, in his work, as a broader process that the dimension of work offers. In other words, we propose to demonstrate how, in fact, Abdelmalek Sayad thought of such a social phenomenon as a Total Social Fact.

Financial Support: Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)

Migration and the Colonial Legacy: A Critical Study of Abdelmalek Sayad's Unpublished Manuscripts.

      This research project critically explores the relationship that the themes of colonialism and neocolonialism have in the development of studies on the migratory phenomenon in the work of Abdelmalek Sayad (1933-1998). Through a team of researchers dedicated to the subject, the research focuses on a dense documentary survey to be carried out in the collection of notes, manuscripts, correspondence and other documents left by the author and stored in the National Archives of Paris, France. The study has a wide literary review, already in progress, and in chronological order. Our objective, through this research, is to understand, through these sources, how this sociologist, of Kabyle origin, throughout his academic career, in Algeria and France, developed, in such an original and current way, concepts and reflections on the migratory phenomenon. In particular, to what extent his notes on colonialism, Algerian independence struggles, violence in the countryside and, later, European neocolonial policies on the African continent, are present in his intellectual legacy.

Financial Support: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)

Revisiting Abdelmalek Sayad: A study on his critical understanding of the migrant category

      This research project critically explores the reflections developed by Abdelmalek Sayad around the migrant category, in the context of power relations in the colonial and, later, neocolonial world. Despite being relatively present in the field of Brazilian migration studies, Sayad's thought is still little studied and disseminated in Brazil. Either because his work was not translated into Portuguese and published, in its entirety, or because, currently, we live with the almost non-existence of Portuguese-speaking researchers committed to studying, interpreting and disseminating his thought. In this way, what reaches our academic audience are his more specific reflections on migration. However, these are texts that escape a broader scope, in which Sayad himself was inserted, where a critical look at the hegemonic narrative of modernity - based on the experience of subalternity - gains decisive projection. This, by the way, is a debate that continues to arouse intense production in several academic universes other than ours. Especially in French and Spanish. With the aim of filling part of this need in Brazil and deepening the understanding of his studies on migrants in the colonial and neocolonial context, this research will feature a thorough literary review of Sayad's intellectual production, in chronological order, and which was published in format of articles, proceedings of scientific congresses and books, in Algeria, France, United States, in addition to Brazil.

Institutional Support: State University of Montes Claros (Unimontes)

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