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Odisseia aims to expand the understanding of the intellectual legacy left by Abdelmalek Sayad and, therefore, fills the gap present in the field of migration studies in Brazil.  Our two main activities are:


First, through  regular group, study to map the manuscripts of this Kabyle sociologist, the dialogue of his work with his interlocutors and the connections that can be established between his thinking tools and that of other scholars.


Second, the production and dissemination of research, public activities (short courses, lectures, seminars, among others) and the creation of networks with potential interlocutors who are also dedicated to examining Abdelmalek Sayad's work.


Through these activities, we aim to explore the genealogy of Abdelmalek Sayad’s thought, as well as uncovering its potential to understand current migratory displacements, the role of the state in the production of the otherness (represented in the figure of irregular migrants and refugees) and the precarious conditions that fuel migration mobility.


Abdelmalek Sayad Research Center

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Department of Social Sciences

Road. Valter Silva Santos, 141-313

Mauritius Village

CEP: 39401-091

Montes Claros -MG/Brazil

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